Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rove and Morris on Likely Primary and Caucus Results

Wednesday night on Hannity and Colmes, Karl Rove gave a masterful analysis of the Democrat and Republican races to the presidential nomination. His white board presentation suggests that Senator John McCain has the Republican nomination all but locked up and that Senator Hillary Clinton has the clearest path to the Democrat nomination (she leads in the delegate count over Senator Barack Obama with 1055 to 998). Rove pointed out that Huckabee would need to win 83.3% of the remaining delegates to overtake McCain. On the Democrat side, Obama will likely win today's primaries and caucuses, but that Tuesday's contests favor Hillary, as do future primaries.

Dick Morris on Thurday night's H & C suggested that Obama could gain momentum from today's events that would propel him into victories on Tuesday and in later primaries.

In my view Rove's analysis makes the most sense of the current political landscape.

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