Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Huckabee Non-Factor

As Karl Rove demonstrated Wednesday night on Fox's Hannity and Colmes, Republican candidate Mike Huckabee has a close to zero chance to overtake Senator John McCain for the Republican presidential nomination. After Tuesday, McCain has 719 delegates and Huckabee has 234. 1,191 delegates are needed to win the nomination.

Huckabee needs to win 83.3% of the remaining delegates in order to beat McCain. It isn't going to happen, so why is Huckabee still hanging on? The conventional wisdom is probably correct that Huckabee is angling to become the Vice President on the ticket with McCain. This could have some advantages for McCain since the frontrunner has not done all that well in most of the southern primaries and Huckabee could sure up support for McCain among some conservative voters. However, questions have been raised about Huckabee's record as governor of Arkansas, whether he has a conservative track record.

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